Powerful moments

I don’t know how to describe it other than powerful. It was an overwhelming sensation. The tanda was Juan D’Arienzo with singer Alberto Echagüe. I was dancing with one of my regular partners. We were practically in the center, completely surrounded on a packed floor, something I haven’t seen for some time at my favorite milonga home. The energy was tremendous as we all were being seduced by the recordings of El Rey de Compás. I’ve never experienced anything like it before in all my years in the milongas. I told my partner the excitement I felt at that moment. D’Arienzo’s music grabs your attention, makes you feel it, and  you want to dance. If one hasn’t been moved by the power of his recordings, it’s time to switch to another dance. I imagined for a second what it would have been like to film from the center of the floor, but later I realized that the scene was already recorded in my memory along with the feelings I had of those powerful moments.

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4 Responses to “Powerful moments”

  1. Pete | The Tango Notebook Says:


    It sounds like you had one of these!

  2. jantango Says:

    This was a different feeling from the energy of the dancers. It’s hard to describe, but I won’t forget it.

  3. Pete | The Tango Notebook Says:

    Thank you for clarifying. I read a comment from you on another blog regarding Tangasms and thought it would make you smile 🙂

  4. jantango Says:

    The tangasm definition you referenced gives credit to one’s partner. It’s always about the music for me–that’s why I am selective about the tandas I dance.

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